Address: NO.2 Yulong Road, Automobile Industrial Park, Wuqing District. Tianjin City
BYC Electronic Control Fuel Injection System (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. 京ICP备18044159号-1
Service hotline: 0086-13683227511
Product description
The bcpi118 light common rail fuel injection pump of CNPC is a two plunger in-line common rail fuel injection pump. The fuel injection pump provides reliable common rail products for passenger cars, light vehicles and off-road markets, with compact structure, low cost, oil lubrication and high reliability. Applicable to national 5 emissions.
Main parameters:
System pressure: 1600/1800bar
Rated speed: 2000rpm
Theoretical fuel supply (cc/rev):1.018
Transmission ratio (machine: pump):2:1
Lubrication method: oil lubrication
Service life: 200K km
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